Westgate Church just finished up with their annual New Year’s work trip. They began hanging drywall downstairs as well as taping and mudding the remaining drywall upstairs. The entire front room downstairs was drywalled and the first coat of tape and mud was applied. In addition, we had a crew helping chase a few window leaks that showed up after the heavy rains last week. Also, Dean and Jane Richert put in a full day's work sanding drywall. Praise the Lord for sending these faithful servants!
PRAY - Pray for God to orchestrate all the necessary people, equipment and materials to stucco the building as soon as possible.
SHARE - Encourage your friends and family to pray for this project by using the “share” button.
GIVE - As the project nears completion, help us prepare for their arrival by sponsoring a baby. Use the “Give” button to contribute to the operational funding of the home. Your $40 monthly gift will help feed, clothe and care for the needs of an orphaned baby.