We have had several teams here this month continuing with various projects. The teams helped out with digging and painting as well as installing soundproofing materials between the first and second floors. Saturday, several guys came down to begin work on the electrical wiring. Though they had never met before, they worked enthusiastically side-by-side. They finished the day as friends, sharing a common passion - our Lord Jesus and His work here at Grace Babies’ Home.
Also, a friend and brother in the Lord, has started coming every morning to work on the plumbing. He arrives at five in the morning and works for a few hours before leaving for his regular job.
PRAY - We have several upcoming teams scheduled to continue God’s work at Grace Babies’ Home. Pray for productivity and protection while they serve.
SHARE - Use the share buttonto share this update with your social networks. This will get more people praying for the project and give others the opportunity to follow God’s command to care for orphans.